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brain, depression, happiness, health benefits, kombucha, neurobiology, news, probiotics, science, serotonin -

Jaw-Dropping Science Facts Everyone Should Know About Kombucha, Part 2 Kombucha is a fermented drink made from green or black tea, cane sugar and a probiotic live fungus culture called SCOBY*. It’s packed full of probiotic yeasts and bacterias, B vitamins, organic acids and antioxidants, all of which are claimed to work various wonders for your body and mind. Although official government-backed research on kombucha is pretty thin on the ground, there are still tons of fascinating independent studies suggesting that a kombucha a day really does keep the doctor away. Following on from part one, here’s another great reason...

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brain, happiness, health benefits, kombucha, neurobiology, probiotics, science -

Jaw-Dropping Science Facts Everyone Should Know About Kombucha, Part 1 Probiotics, often referred to as 'good bacteria', are known to promote a healthy gut, but did you know they can also promote a healthy mind? In a 2011 study researchers were excited to discover something completely new to science: probiotic bacteria administered to the gut can positively affect your brain chemistry. Dr Mark Lyte from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center found that microbial strains in fermented food produce neurochemicals including serotonin, the neurotransmitter credited with boosting happiness levels. In Lyke’s study, serotonin was found in the bloodstream of test...

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energy drinks, ginseng, kombucha vs energy drinks, science -

Energy drinks can cause high blood pressure and trigger abnormal heart rhythms, according to a scientific study out this month. Researchers from University of the Pacific and David Grant Medical Center confirmed suspicions that energy drinks can be dangerous when consumed in large quantities. Time to ditch them for something a little healthier, maybe?"Our findings suggest certain energy drinks may increase the risk of having an abnormal heart rhythm when consumed in high volumes," said primary investigator Sachin A Shah. "While we wait for more data, some consumers should exercise caution and not blindly follow the buzz.”The study took 27...

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equinox, nutrition, science, southend on sea, wellbeing now seminar -

Hey folks, we are sponsoring this awesome event this coming weekend in Southend-On-Sea. The Wellbeing Now Seminar will host 48 hours of live workshops and lectures from some of the most influential and cutting edge speakers in the health world. The weekend promises an opportunity for transformation, education and inspiration and is fantastic vale at £55 a ticket for the entire weekend. 

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kombucha, nutrition, science -

A series of studies have begun at the University of Maryland to look at the gut and psychology link. In fact studies like this are happening in many universities globally looking at epigenetics and how we are what we eat and the results are coming in thick and fast. The first study, that the University of Maryland will be published in the journal Psychiatry Research in August, has found that social anxiety and neurosis is reduced in teens who consume fermented foods! How fantastic eh? The Science Daily article is very exciting to us here at Equinox as many customers report feeling great after regularly drinking...

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