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Autumn, nutrition, Wild Berry -

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness!Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;Conspiring with him how to load and blessWith fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run; John Keats 1819 Golden autumnal mornings, with their crisp hint of frost in the air, have transported Kaptain Kombucha into poetic mode.  As the Earth prepares for sleep, now is the time to harvest her abundant riches.  Yippeeee!!! Free food!! And even better, it's fresh, local, organic and devoid of toxic pesticides. The hedgerows are glistening with juicy, indigo blackberries ripe for the picking, and Nature's larder comes packed with the goodness our bodies...

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humour, Kombucha, summer -

As the sultry weather continues, numerous cats have been found illegally parked in boxes of refrigerated kombucha.     This local cat, who preferred not to be named, said "I'm so embarrassed, I've been caught red-pawed.  I mean, us cats are supposed to be the ultimate sun worshippers..........but sometimes life can get too hot to handle.  Two summers of grey skies & rain, & I'd forgotten what it was like to swelter in a fur coat in eighty degrees.  Well pardon my scorching pelt, but it was temptation beyond endurance.  It may have lost street cred, but chilling out in...

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Kombucha, nutrition, Recipes -

For a light lunch on a busy day, why not try a five minute Kaptain Kombucha meal idea?A generous handful of mixed salad leaves, sweet little cherry tomatoes, colourful zingy peppers, red onion & refreshing cucumber, topped by baked cheese & pesto.  Five minutes on a hot oven is all it takes to create a melt-in-the-mouth sensation. My favourite moment is breaking through the crust & watching that lava-flow of molten cheese oozing over the salad........mmmm, so creamy!  It goes down a treat with freshly picked red currants & a bottle of Original Kombucha.My own preference is for goat, rather...

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Brewing tip, Kombucha, SCOBY, summer -

A Kaptain Kombucha tip for home brewers Everybody loves Kombucha, but sometimes your Kombucha party can attract unwelcome gatecrashers.   Drosophila melanogaster, otherwise known as the common fruit fly, just love the smell of fermenting Kombucha.  Summer sees them out in force, & that sumptuous, inviting mattress of SCOBY (the fruity body of bacteria & yeast that transforms sweetened tea into Kombucha) puts them in the mood for romance. Given half a chance the cheeky winged invaders will sneak right in, feast on your Kombucha & lay their eggs on your SCOBY.     The trouble with fruit flies is that...

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Kombucha, living food, nutrition -

Grains, nuts & seeds are packed full of scrummy nutrients, but the greedy little rascals want them all for themselves......& who can blame them!   As the future generation they need to be pretty tough nuts to survive until the conditions for germination are right, so Mother Nature has given them some awesome weapons, known collectively as anti-nutrients.  These include various toxins & enzyme inhibitors.  Yes, that's right, they're making it really hard for your digestive system to get to work on them, & they can even steal some of your minerals by binding to them to prevent them being...

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